30 January, 2008

Pressure Sucks

Company's End of Fiscal Year - and you know how it is. Expect pressure from corporate people and meet your deadlines. I'm just glad I'm caught up with my projects.. whew! On my previous entry, I mentioned about the Linkin Park Concert in Oklahoma City on February 29... well - - - I got our tickets yesterday! We're all excited to be there and gosh, I can't wait to see the crazy crowd - again! (sarcastic) hehe.

Anyway, have you guys noticed lately that people died due to drug overdose? Heh! anybody can die from it - duh... but even prescribed sleeping pills... and that really scares me. Last night Shaun took his anti-inflammatory medicine and he told me he's going to overdose himself - of course I reacted and while I was telling him to quit saying that - he took five pills at a time. I was shocked, speechless and I stood there for a minute thinking "what is going on with this man?" He handed me the medicine pouch with a grin on his face - come to find out, he really has to take 5 pills on the first day, then 4 on the next day, then 3 on the 3rd and so on... I was pissed off in a way but instead of getting mad at him, I hugged him tight and cried, telling him not to scare me again. I still feel the fear that one of these days he'll leave me - that is really scary. Sorry for the drama, but guys, I really love my husband and I can not imagine how my life will be without him. I know my life was great even before I met Shaun - but without my past I would not have him, and I thank God for making it happen.

Well I guess that's all I can say - lol. I may sound dramatic but hey - what can I say? I'm only a victim of real love - - - and so are you ! Bleh!

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