02 February, 2008

HDTVs - Second Act

Okay, we have a projector with a huge screen in our living room, flat screen in our bedroom, and a regular one in my office room. But I'm not contented with the ones we have in our bedroom and my office. I want a big one, as big as our projector that covers the whole wall in my living room, hehe.

Just look at this one - Sleek huh! Nice.

If you guys are interested with this product, just go to http://www.secondact.com/category/promo/. They have tons of great deals on HDTV's. Check them out before its gone.

I heard Sedond Act from a friend of mine who actually purchased from them. And as per her, products are great although refurbished, associates are informative and very nice, transaction are quick and easy... and they offer warranty. Sound good to me!

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