16 January, 2008

Got the New Hot Stuff

Yeah, hot stuff alright. I came home early today 'cause I wasn't feeling real good since I woke up. I worked for a half day and left. Migraine attack and fever, gosh... it felt like my head was going to blow up. I called Shaun and he felt the same, so we've decided to go home and take a long afternoon nap. Thank God I felt better now, hoping that tomorrow will be fine. Shaun feels better as well... as I can see, he's playing with Isha as we speak.

Speaking of Isha, she is almost done with her pipi (*period*) and I can't wait for much longer. I've decided to breed her next year after she turns second year old. She's very nice and sweet to us and she is getting clever these days.

By the way, to my sister... Good Luck on Your Interview... Love you sissy! Mwah!

That's all peeps... good night and thanks for droppin' - - - mwah!

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