29 October, 2006

Halloween and Birthday Party

Success! The Halloween and Birthday party was Fun-Fun-Fun. Everybody enjoyed the games, prizes, food and beer, he-he. We first went to Dad’s place for the burgers and hot dogs; then we played games right after.

Games and Winners:
Eyeball Candy Relay – Courtney / Tahlowa / Dellin / Stephanie (Group 2)
Pin the Cat’s Tail – Tahlowa
Statue Dance – Tahlowa
Paper Dance – Ryan

***everybody received big and consolation prizes, everybody WON!

How well do you know your partner? (Adult Games)
Brandon & Misty – winner
Dad & Mom Lynn – 2nd place
Shaun & Stephanie – 3rd place
Mike & Chastity – 4th place

***it was hilarious, just imagine what would happen if you have Alzheimer? Better expect the unexpected flying object…ha-ha. Thank you Chasty for hosting the game, it was really fun.

Anyways, after the few games, we went to my place for the scary stuff. I’m very glad that they like our spooky looking place. Brandon was the guide, me, Shaun, Chas, Misty and Mike were the characters. They helped me arranged the candles and other props to make it scarier atmosphere… they did that in less than 20 minutes and I was really impressed with their ideas. The black lighting, strobe light and horror sound effect was a big help too. The kids got excited and scared especially the little girls “Raven and Courtney”. They went to each room and then when Mike grabbed one of the kids they all started screaming… I thought it was cool.

After all that, we played poker, I tried to learn but if only I quit falling off the chair I would probably remember they taught me, ha-ha.

It was exhausting but the fun and effort to make it happen was PRICELESS.

I uploaded photos in L~i~t~r~a~t~o; Friendster; MySpace; Multiply and there’s more to come. Have fun and Happy Halloween to all !!!

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