23 March, 2008

Hello - Hello !!!

We celebrated our Easter yesterday at Shaun's parents place. The kids hunt eggs... I joined them and it was fun and hilarios (long story). I ended up having $7 and candies but I gave them to Tristian (Shaun's Nephew) 'cause he helped me reach the egg from a tree, ha-ha. Courtney won the game, she got like 19 eggs with prizes. We also played Wii game, it was fun although I pulled muscle, lol. Everyone loves Wii and Shaun's parents are fixing to get one... and so are Weeee... hehe. We love it!
Ofcourse there were food... lots of food and dessert (Yummy). First time I've had Velvet Cake, uhmm, so yummy. I thought they were yukky but when I tasted it, gosh... the slices kept coming. And now I gained the pounds that I just lost few weeks ago. We planned to have a get together again next month and we're planning to have a family trip anytime soon. We are so excited.
I wish you all had a great weekend with your family and thank you so much for the greetings.
God Bless!

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