17 January, 2008

Get Your Credit Card

CrEdiT CaRds - - - do you even have one? I know its hard to get one specialy when you don't have credit record yet. That really gets me... how can you build your credit if they won't let you have one?! Ain't that crazy?

Anyway, for starter who needs to build up their credits, you don't have to have like 15-20 thousands of dollar credit limit. Take it from me, I started from $200.oo, then $300.oo and now even higher and I had no problem from getting it.

Here's a site where you can choose credit banks and you can compare them. Go to http://www.fool.co.uk/credit-cards/credit-cards-comparison.aspx. And experience the easy and fastest way to apply for credit card.... try it.

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