26 February, 2007

Me and Isha

Every time we get home we try to spend time with Isha. She's still a pup and she's not supposed to be alone. She always get excited when she sees us and she pouts when we don't want to play with her. We feel sorry for her sometimes but we're trying to spend hours playing with here. On Sundays, I make sure we spend much of our time with her before we go to bed. She is so sweet and so smart. She knows a couple of commands already and a minute ago she just learned the command "jump"... he-he. I'm so proud of her. She just drives me nuts sometimes 'cause she follows me everywhere I go she's my baby.

Don't get me wrong, Kimber and Lolah are as important as Isha to us. They're still our babies.

Guess I have to get off here, had to get up early tomorrow.

Thanks for dropping by!

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