29 October, 2010

Hey Arnold

Thanks for the post from Nora Mccoy

One of the best shows of my childhood and teenage years was Hey Arnold. This was a cartoon show on Nickelodeon and it was very popular for quite a while. I actually remember watching it from the beginning and they even had an episode where one of the characters' voice changed because the kid who played him was going through puberty. That was a pretty cool episode and after that, Gerald's voice was a lot deeper than usual.

Hey Arnold featured a young football-headed boy name Arnold who lived with his grandfather in a boarding house full of other funny people. Some of his housemates were My Hyunh who was an Asian country singing sensation who was played by country legend Randy Travis when he was singing.

Arnold went to school at P.S. 118 and his best friend was Gerald, the boy I mentioned earlier whose voice cracked. Arnold had an antogonist named Helga, who was actually secretly in love with Arnold, almost to the point of being creepy. Helga would constantly harass and tease Arnold about his football-shaped head but nobody knew about her secret obsession with him. She even had a shrine in her bedroom of Arnold. This show was on Nickelodeon during the 1990s but these days you can only watch Hey Arnold on satellite TV from
www.tvbydirect.com/directv-deals.html on one of Nickelodeon's sister stations.